ASPDataForm Wizard can be used to quickly generate databound ASP web forms. The form is laid out as a two column table in order to preserve field and label spacing regardless of the client browser used to view the page.
It supports databound dropdown lists, display only fields and ADO paged record scrolling. It does not make use of any cookies or use any session variables to maintain state through page transitions. It conserves resources by using disconnected ADO recordsets which are closed as soon as the data is retrieved. There are no additional Design Time Controls or COM components used. The generated structured ASP code can be edited with a normal text editor as well as any of the other popular ASP development tools such as Interdev, Drumbeat, Dreamweaver or UltraDev.
-Quickly generate databound ASP forms
-Generates structured ASP code
-Database independent update and data retrieval
-Supports databound dropdown lists
-Over 50 user selectable properties
-Conserves database resources
-Does not use session variables or cookies
-Provides Error Handling
-Utilises ADO paged record scrolling
-Does not require proprietary Editors
-Save layouts as templates to ensure consistent look and feel
-Compatible with Netscape Navigator 4.x, Opera and Microsoft Internet Exporer 4.x,5.x Browsers
-Compatible with Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, SQL Anywhere and Oracle databases
-Automatically displays null fields as non-breaking spaces for display only fields
-Retains original field value as a hidden html INPUT form object for concurrency checking